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Seminar topics at NSA Sheep 2018 to seek solutions for thriving sheep farming businesses

20th April 2018

Visitors to the National Sheep Association’s flagship event Sheep 2018 this July can be assured of plentiful information to discuss and debate when attending one of the event’s seminars.

Taking their lead from the event theme of ‘Thriving in an uncertain future’, the four seminars to be held throughout the day on Wednesday 18th July at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire, will appeal to all sheep farming visitors. They will provide opportunity to listen to industry experts providing up-to-date information on a range of key topics that will have major bearing on UK producers post-Brexit.

NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker, who himself will be involved with several of the day’s seminars, comments: “As we near our departure from the EU, much is still unknown of the future impact on UK sheep production. However, we are optimistic the future can be successful and the seminars taking place at this year’s event reflect this confidence. This year’s event theme will provide ideas and opportunities for producers keen to thrive as we look to embrace future changes.”

The seminar programme will kick off with a session on ‘Thriving in an uncertain market place’. This will look at the progress made and the future opportunities for UK lamb to exported around the globe post-Brexit. With more than 30% of UK sheepmeat currently exported, the session will look at how to protect this as we come out of the EU common market, and find ways to add further value in the future. Spokespeople from the Government, levy bodies and the processing sector will be chaired by John Fyall, Aberdeenshire farmer and NSA Scottish Region Chairman.

Another major change around Brexit will be farm support and, with Ministers making it clear financial reward will only be offered for delivery of public goods, the second seminar session will consider what this means for the sheep sector. Under the leadership of NSA Chairman and Devon farmer Bryan Griffiths, an expert panel will look at the farm support needed for sheep farmers to thrive by managing healthy sheep and using resources efficiently, and the associated economic, environmental and social benefits of doing so.

The day’s busy agenda will continue in the afternoon with a look at how sheep farmers can thrive through the use of technology. Industry experts will join Gloucestershire farmer and NSA English Committee Chairman Kevin Harrison to look at how technology can be implemented in all areas of sheep production including breeding, health, nutrition and identification and traceability.

The final seminar of the day will go full circle and, following the morning session on export potential, look at domestic market opportunities for a thriving future. Pioneers in retail, convenience and ethnic markets will join Eddie Eastham, Cumbrian farmer and NSA UK Policy & Technical Committee Chairman, to draw proceedings to a close and leave visitors with much food for thought to consider on their journey home and into the future.

In addition to seminars, NSA Sheep 2018 brings together more than 250 trade and breed society exhibitors, as well as numerous attractions including a sheepdog sale, competitions, workshops and demonstrations.

Sheep event organiser Helen Davies concludes: NSA Sheep 2018 is a must-visit for anyone involved in the sheep industry, with NSA members eligible to get into event completely free of charge. We’re looking forward to presenting another event to remember.”

NSA members can enter NSA Sheep 2018 free of charge. One membership card permits one free entry. Individuals can sign up in advance at More event information, including full details of all seminar speakers, at