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Tackling sheep scab remains a priority for the industry

7th May 2014

The ongoing frustration faced by many farmers in the continuing battle against sheep scab means it remains a major source of economic loss and continues to be listed by NSA members as a priority for the sheep sector.

Tackling sheep scab is therefore the topic for one of the seminars at this year’s NSA Sheep Event being held at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern on 30 July.

“It is part of a number of sessions under the event’s umbrella theme of ‘Securing the future of the UK sheep industry’, says Joanne Briggs of NSA.

“Scab is a significant health and welfare problem that greatly reduces revenue; there are many barriers to its control and therefore talking about coordinated action against the disease remains an industry priority.”

Following the English Stamp Out Scab Project in 2013/14, an initiative to raise awareness of this disease, the seminar titled ‘Tackling sheep scab, a collaborative approach ’ will look at what the industry needs to be doing to keep on top of the disease and if eradication can ever be achieved.

Kate Phillips of ADAS, who helped deliver the project, will be guest speaker at the seminar. She says, “The project aimed to increase awareness and provide a common understanding of sheep scab across the entire industry.

“Practical measures such as accurate diagnosis, correct administration of treatments and biosecurity measures are all fundamental in helping to control the disease,” explains Kate.

“However, responsibility does not just fall to farmers. Everyone involved with sheep from hauliers to scanners has a role to play if we are to eradicate scab completely.”

The seminar, which will take place at 3.20pm on the day of the event, will deliver key practical messages on scab control. The audience will also hear from Sion Aaron Jones of HCC about the proposed eradication plan for Wales.

Further information on the event and the full programme of seminars is now available here


Notes to Editors:

The NSA Sheep Event is a biennial event organised by The National Sheep Association and will be held at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern on Wednesday 30th July 2014.

Issued by: Hannah Lloyd, Pinstone Communications, T: 01568 617 627 E: [email protected]

Further information: W: or contact Hannah at Pinstone Communications. If you are interested to be informed about press attendance nearer the event, please get in touch with Pinstone.