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Two NSA awards recognise exceptional contribution to the sheep sector

28th July 2016

The National Sheep Association (NSA) has presented awards to recognise the work of two individuals, both of whom have gone above and beyond to promote the sheep sector and organise events for farmers.

More than 400 sheep farmers and industry representatives saw the presentations, held at an NSA sheep industry dinner on Tuesday (26th July), the evening before NSA Sheep 2016 at the Three Counties Showground, Worcestershire.

It was a fitting occasion for Julie Sedgewick of Aycliffe, County Durham, to collect the NSA George Hedley Memorial Award, as her many years at the helm of the NSA Sheep Event was one of the many reasons she was nominated to receive the award for outstanding contribution to the sheep industry. She shaped this industry event into the well-respected format seen today, as well as coordinating a wide range of other NSA shows and activity. Julie’s retirement in February saw the end of her 27-year involvement with NSA Northern Region in particular, not to mention promotional work done with other industry bodies and breed societies. She was named as the award recipient in January and was clearly overwhelmed to receive it in front of friends and peers on Tuesday evening.

Taking the form of a specially sculptured statuette of a South Country Cheviot sheep, the award was handed to Julie by John Geldard of NSA Northern Region. He said: “Julie has given her life to the sheep industry and to NSA. She has been clear about the challenges of serving the industry and done it with deep thought, deep passion and deep concern. This award is extremely hard earned and richly deserved.”

The very short list of award recipients received one more name on Tuesday night, when Sue Martyn of NSA South West Region was recognised for her years of hard work. Recently renamed as the NSA Bob Payne Memorial Award for Unsung Hero, this prize is only given when an exception individual is identified. Sue is considered by NSA to more than fit this bill, for her previous roles as NSA South West Regional Manager and NSA Sheep South West Organiser, and ongoing service to the NSA South West Region Ram Sale.

On announcing the award, Peter Baber of NSA South West Region said: “Sue’s work is always essential but often done behind the scenes without people knowing the great lengths she goes to. I cannot count the times she has approached me with a big smile and left me standing a few minutes later thinking ‘how did I volunteer for that?’”

Alongside her NSA commitments, Sue farms with her husband at Launceston, Cornwall, and regularly shows sheep around the country. She was unfortunately unable to collect her award due to a showing commitment, but will be presented with the cut glass vase in the near future.

More from NSA Sheep 2016 here.

Notes to editors:-

  • NSA has presented the George Hedley Memorial Award annually since 1960. It is given to honour the memory of George Hedley, a highly respected farmer from the Scottish borders who was involved with the NSA (then the National Sheep Breeders Association) for many years. It was while he was NSBA Chairman, travelling to a Council meeting in London in January 1960 that he was tragically killed in a car accident. Julie Sedgewick is the 2015 winner; nominations for the 2016 recipient will be invited later in the year.
  • NSA has been presenting the Unsung Hero Award since 2008. It is not an annual award and is only presented when an exceptional individual is identified. This year is the first time it has been presented as the Bob Payne Memorial Award for Unsung Hero, to honour the memory of Bob Payne, an NSA Trustee from Stocksbridge, South Yorkshire, who lost his battle with cancer in August 2015.
  • For more information and high resolution images, contact NSA Communications Officer Hannah Park on 01684 892661 or email [email protected].
  • The National Sheep Association is an organisation that represents the views and interests of sheep producers throughout the UK. It is funded by its membership of sheep farmers and its activities involve it in every aspect of the sheep industry. More at and